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Why Success isn’t Everything

In 12 years of painting, 7 of them full time, I've reached a moderate degree of success. I am happy and grateful to be able to live solely from sales of artwork. I am able to support my family and love where I live. And…

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January 2018, Site update highlights

I have recently moved to the country with my family and as a result was subjected to pretty slow internet speeds. This prompted me to look over all of my photos of my artwork, organize them, optimize them for web, and upload them online. So,…

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To make great art you have to be fearless

Artists are known to lead volatile lives, some through drugs and alcohol, others through explosive relationships, others yet through recklessness - financial or otherwise. All this is because the artist, to be satisfied with his or her output, needs to feel something and express those…

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What it means to be an artist

ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN MAY 2012.   I am an artist, which means that I like to create – visually, musically, or verbally… It doesn’t matter. I live my life in order to create, and I get my sense of fulfilment when I am being creative. If I…

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Why Machines Will Never Create Art

Machines can beat humans at chess, but how is that different from creating a work of art? It may be necessary to first define what a work of art is. Merriam-Webster gives the following definition: Art is the conscious use of skill and creative imagination…

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Thanksgiving 2016: Oaxaca Trip

In the beginning of November, I went on vacation. Flying into to the Huatulco airport, I first spent a week with family, which culminated in me teaching my 2.5 year old niece to paint. She's very talented in music and art and has been painting…

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San Miguel De Allende - Oaxaca - Huatulco - Puerto Vallarta - Shreveport, LA - Minneapolis, MN - Hamilton, ON

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