August Update

I had a show at Bordello Galeria yet again. There were not too many people in San Miguel, so sales were relatively few. The show will be up until Saturday, September 21. There will be a closing party then.

Some good developments took place however. I was asked to participate in a new gallery opening in a very good location – Galeria Potranca – and will have a permanent wall there, visible from the street. I was also asked to show in a restaurant and B&B called “Art Cafe” in San Antonio. My work is already hanging and attracting lots of attention. Finally I will be partnering with a luxury hotel, Tres Fuentes on Stirling Dickinson. I really like the hotel and the owners, and they really like my art. To begin with, we are hanging two large paintings, with more to come next month. I am going to decorate at least 3 of their 12 rooms, and very much looking forward to the challenge.

In the end of September I am heading to Shreveport, Louisiana for the Revel festival. I will be painting a mural there. I am also beginning a project for a ceiling in Miami – a 19 foot painting of flying mariachis, to be painted on canvas and mounted on the ceiling. How I am going to paint all this with two kids around isn’t clear. It may help that my children are returning to school.

Thanks again for all of your love and support.

Andrew Osta

August 27 2024

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