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Andrew’s Blog

August Update

I had a show at Bordello Galeria yet again. There were not too many people in San Miguel, so sales were relatively few. The show will be up until Saturday, September 21. There will be a closing party then. Some good developments took place however. I was asked to participate in a new gallery opening…

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About Animal Iconography

About animal iconography Iconography has been a part of my art for as long as I can remember. This is probably the case because the earliest images I can remember clearly are Orthodox Christian icons. My parents didn’t have any original artwork in their little two-room apartment in Kiev, Ukraine, but they did have a…

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Painting Without fear

Scientists say that it takes about 10000 hours of practice to get good at something. Having painted for over 15 years now, I have probably doubled or tripled that number of practice hours by this point. Therefore, I would like to offer a little bit of practical advice and encouragement to painters who have recently…

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Art in Quarantine

When Coronavirus hit the United States earlier this year, I knew that Mexico would suffer greatly as well. Tourism would be affected, businesses would close, our normal cycles disturbed. For the first time in many years, I worried about the future. “Could it be that people will stop buying art?” I wondered. “If financial markets…

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