News for November 2022

Dear friends,

I have been a little busy and have once again fallen behind on updating this website. The best way to see my available work is currently though my facebook page:

In the recent months, I have donates a number of artworks to Ukrainian relief efforts. First, I participated in an event in San Miguel de Allende, and later was asked by the Ukrainian Embassy to participate in an auction in Mexico City. One of my cat paintings sold for 50,000 pesos, a very good result for a small work.

At the same time, I am participating in a psychedelics exhibition in Toronto, Canada. Because my early work had been influenced by psychedelics, I had been asked by the organizers of this show to paint a work on the subject of the Huichol people of Mexico. I have a triptych on this subject in the show, as well as a print of one of Pablo Amaringo’s paintings, from my own collection.

Sales had been slow but steady. I have several commissions to finish in the coming months. Also, I had been asked to paint a mural in the town centre of my village in Oaxaca and this is my priority for the next few weeks.


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