
News, Updates, Musings

Update October 2013

First of all please accept my apologies for not posting updates and not updating the website in so long. I have been working as always and documenting my work, but have been posting it more on facebook than on this website. So if you have facebook, please find me: Andrew Osta Artist and befriend me to keep…

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Update May 2013

A few quick pieces of news. Somebody took one of my pieces to get appraised and it turns out that I’m selling at about 50% of the appraisal value right now. The piece was 24 x 36 and was appraised at at least $1500… I sold it for $700. The other piece of news is…

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April 2013 Update

I have been travelling more than usual and this has made it difficult for me to update the website with my latest work and thoughts. Having said that, I am in the process of photographing new work, which I hope to upload soon. I’ve been mostly working on small and medium sized works, and mostly…

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Andrew Osta on the Radio

I was invited to do a radio show in Texas, speaking about my book, Shamans and Healers. I should have the show to put online sometime soon. Other than that, I am painting as always, and about to start a project to design and illustrate a series of books. These books are a dream for…

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Creative Autobiography

I’m not sure exactly when I became creative… I know that I began to keep a diary and thus write around 1999. In the following years, I composed hundreds of poems, none of which I have transcribed for digital viewing. They are hidden away in my notebooks at my parents home in Canada. My 2000…

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I have been very, very busy. Doing commissions and just trying to finish the work already started. Two possible exhibitions are coming up in March. While I feel I am creating some very beautiful work, looking at images of some of the sold paintings brings nostalgia.

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New Website

I finally took the time to create a new website to better represent my work. While web-design is not my favorite form of creativity, I found it difficult to stop. And yet I think it is good enough now to at least make it live. There is still a lot to add – many images…

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January 2013 update

I had been working hard, approximately 6 hours of painting per day, and with all of the other things I have to do, I had no time to write updates. In terms of what I am doing now – I had a lot of fun with plein air landscapes, and after doing about 10 of…

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December 2012 update

I hadn’t written anything on the website lately, but that doesn’t mean I hadn’t been busy. In November, I took a trip to the moutains and coast of oaxaca and produced 11 plein air paintings. Engaging in this work was both tremendously fun and tremendously rewarding. I cannot recommend the experience enough. It teaches you…

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